Content | The final price will be based on weight. The price may decrease or increase. | The final price will be based on weight. The price may decrease or increase.
Pabda is considered an excellent source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. It also helps in reducing cholesterol levels, heart problems, and triglyceride levels. It boosts our immune system as it doesn't contain much fat. It can be a great choice for your daily food choices. We are providing fresh high-quality Pabda Fish. | Benefits of eating Shing (stinging catfish) fish
Shing (stinging catfish)
There are many benefits and nutritional value of Shing (stinging catfish) fish. Shing (stinging catfish) fish is a delicious fish that is farmed in Bengal. The body of the Shing (stinging catfish) fish is long and compact in shape. The head of this fish is covered with small, pressed, and thin skin. The Shing (stinging catfish) fish is again called zeol fish. The demand for this Shing (stinging catfish) fish is huge as it has a lot of nutritional value. Regularly eating Shing (stinging catfish) fish increases the body's resistance to disease. Shing (stinging catfish) fish has a variety of ingredients that increase our strength.
Find out the benefits and nutritional value of Shing (stinging catfish) fish.
(1) Shing (stinging catfish) fish is high in iron and calcium. So patients with anemia are told to eat horn fish.
(2) Regular consumption of Shing (stinging catfish) fish also increases bone density and strengthens the bones of our body.
(3) Shing (stinging catfish) fish iron source fills the deficiency in anemia.
(4) It is also deficient in vitamin B12 and folic acid.
(5) Shing (stinging catfish) fish contains a lot of calcium which makes our bones strong and strong and beneficial for teeth.
(6) Playing Shing (stinging catfish) fish increases energy and reduces body arthritis.
(7) Regularly playing Shing (stinging catfish) fish will keep the body disease free. | Magur is one of the most common fish in Bangladesh and its origin in Southeast Asia. Its local name is Mazgur, Machkur or Magur. Internationally it is known as Walking Catfish. The reason for this name is that it can walk over the dry ground in hostile environments or gather food.
Magur fish has a little less iron and calcium than Shing fish. But it is more appreciated because it is delicious. 100 grams of Magur fish has 86 calories, 15 grams of protein, 210 mg of calcium, 290 mg of phosphorus, and 0.7 mg of iron. Chole: This delicious fish helps in building bones and muscles of the human body, and also enhances the taste. | The final price will be based on weight. The price may decrease or increase.
There are many benefits and nutritional value of Katla fish. We all know more or less our most famous fish. It is as delicious to eat as it is rich in nutrients. As the saying goes, fish and rice are Bengali. The role of fish in filling our non-vegetarian deficit is unparalleled. Fish easily fulfills our daily non-meat requirements. Katla fish is in high demand due to its high nutritional value.
We need to know the benefits and nutritional value of Katla fish. Catla or Katla (scientific name: Catla Catla) (English: Catla) is a freshwater fish of the genus Catla Catla of the Cyprinidae family. Katla fish is very popular in Bangladesh. It is a native fish of Bangladesh. The benefits of Katla fish reduces wind bile and phlegm and increases energy. Many of us know that gastric problems occur when bile increases. And people's gastric problems are increasing day by day. Regular consumption of Katla fish reduces bile and phlegm. As a result, it is easy to eliminate gastric problems. When people work, energy decreases. To get rid of this, we need to eat fish in the right amount. As people age, their energy declines. To replenish this energy, you should eat Katla fish regularly. This fish will play an active role in increasing the strength of your body. It is available in all parts of the country. So we can easily meet our needs. Big size Katla fish looks very beautiful. | |
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